Sunday 23 March 2014


Today was spent exploring the shorter of the many local walking tracks. There are long ones for the keen hikers who carry their camping gear with them but we will leave those for the long distance hikers. The coast is a mixture of beautiful sandy beaches and spectacular rocky headlands with an assortment of similar rocky islands offshore.

Perhaps the highlight of last night was a visit by two of the local wombats. They seemed very relaxed about our presence in their territory.

The above is a photo of Norman Bay at which the Tidal River campground is located. The campground is largely hidden by the trees but you can see a little of it on the left. As you can see, the weather today turned out to be sunny although we had rain overnight and a few showers this morning. That caused us to carry wet weather gear that we didn’t need.

The local birds continue to be as cheeky as ever. One of the rosellas landed on Trish’s foot as she sat on a chair enjoying a cup of tea.

Tomorrow we start our trek north. It will be a driving day as we head for somewhere warmer to spend the rest of the week.

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